
  • 英文名稱: English Negotiation Skills
  • 總時數: 4H

◆ 課程大綱 Syllabus

  1. 常用的談判模式 Negotiation Models
  2. 常用的談判句型A common and useful negotiating sentences
  3. 學習準備、執行、安排進一步的談判會議所須技巧。
    Learn the skills to prepare, conduct, arrange further meetings and conclude negotiations
  4. 運用字彙、片語和語調以獲得最好的協商。
    Use the words, phrases and style to get the best bargain
  5. 使用親切、正式的說話語調,以使你能快速的運用不同的前後脈絡,而使兩方獲得最好的結果(強烈語氣及虛弱的語氣)
    Use familiar, formal styles of speaking so you can quickly adapt to different contexts and get the best deal for both parties. (Strong words vs. weak words)
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